Engineer Plamen Panchev was awarded an Honorary Plaque for his significant contribution to the development of the Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv Branch

Engineer Plamen Panchev was awarded an Honorary Plaque for his significant contribution to the development of the Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv Branch

With a resolution of the Academis Leadership of the branch, the Executive Director of the “Trakia Economic Zone”, Engineer Plamen Panchev, was awarded an Honorary Plaque for his significant contribution to the development of the Technical University of Sofia,
Plovdiv Branch, and a Certificate of Appreciation for successful collaboration. „Words are half for those who speak them and half for those who hear them. Today, we conveyed to the young people that they have a promising future. An upcoming meeting with students will
provide an opportunity to hear your perspectives on how we can succeed together to ensure a better future for you in Bilgaria,” Panchev stated. He noted that over the past 10 years, the Technical University has elevated its level and is successfully developing talent of world-class
quality, aligning with the growing economy in Plovdiv.

The Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv Branch, has commenced the new academic year. “With a history spanning 79 years, the university has faced the challenges posed by society and the development of technologies. The Plovdiv Branch is entering its 38th year, and during this time, it has established itself as a significant partner to local authorities, society, and industry, providing an excellent opportunity for young people to shape their future and career development” stated Assoc. Dr. Eng. Nikola Shakev, the bransh director, in his welcoming remarks.
He emphasized that technology is currently evolving faster than ever before. While in the past a single technology could remain constant for entire generations, today, within the four years of students’ education, some of these technologies will change, the director pointed

In keeping with tradition, the branch director, Assoc. Dr. Eng. Nikola Shakev, handed over the student ID books to the first-year students who were admitted with the highest scores. Nearly 400 first-year students will be enrolled this year in the full-time programs at the Plovdiv branch of the Technical University of Sofia. Another 100 students have chosen to study in the part-time program. The academic administration reports that the state admission plan has been fully met, achieving 100% enrollment on all 13 full-time and 4 part-time
programs at the university.

Attending the opening of the academic year were the Deputy Regional Governor of Plovdiv, Atanas Tashkov, rectors of higher education institutions in the city, high school directors, and partners of the university.